Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 1st September 2014 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith - Secretary
John Bulmer
Kate Fletcher
Bob Hickson
Ron Kidson
Peter Leigh
Mike Pitchford
Alan Wilmot
David Beechey – (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC)

1. Apologies received from Sarah Baker & David Thomas. Michael Ward (ex-officio representing Albrighton PC) did not attend.

PW reported that David Hughes has resigned from the committee but has said he will continue to support the Society. The committee was sorry to lose David and expressed their thanks for his all his efforts as the first treasurer of the Society and for getting us off to a good start – this was to be recorded in our minutes. All members send best wishes.

ACTION: PW to write to Albrighton PC to ask if they will provide a representative as an   
ex-officio member of our committee.
AW said that due to family illness pressures he will not stand for election at the AGM.
The Chairman introduced Kate Fletcher and Bob Hickson who were co-opted as committee members. Kate is also a committee member of AAHF.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 7th June 2014 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.MP reported that the current balance at the bank was £2,389.24 some of which is ring fenced for use at the Villages Entrance Scheme.
MP reported that 101 members were recruited or renewed at the Fayre and that another 138 members had current subscriptions which were due to expire at end of September and hoped that many of these would renew at the AGM in October. Thus total current membership is 239.
4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues
a) AAHF and Station Heritage Centre Project
PW reported that a meeting of the SHC Task Group had met representatives of the AAHF committee on 19th August 2014 (see note of that meeting). It had been concluded that the Station Heritage Centre was not viable and that work to create the SHCentre should be terminated. Before a formal statement was made, ADCS would discuss the matter with Albrighton PC (who had agreed in principle to be the owners of the building should the SHC be established).
The rescue of the listed station masters building was still a major Society objective and so we will have to consider other possible uses of the building and also to discuss with owner.
ACTION: PW to write to the building owner to explain the situation.

Many members noted that the aims and objectives of the Society are the same as many of the objectives of the Parish Council. It was felt that an informal meeting of representatives of the Society and Albrighton PC would be useful in improving the cooperative working relationship and to see if we could provide more support to the PC on those matters which fall within our civic society objectives. One example of the common matters facing both organisations is how to rescue the station masters building. Another is responding to the rejection of planning approval for the proposed new housing near Elm Rd/Talbot Rd which DB had written about in a recent Parish Magazine. ACTION: PW would write to Alb PC to ask for such a meeting.

b)  Albrighton Station Pedestrian Access Ramp
RS reported that Mark Pritchard has called a meeting of NR, LMT, EE, the four PCs and representatives of the Civic Society on 5th September to keep up the momentum.

5. Matters arising
a)  BH explained his proposal for creating a file to promote the work of the Society and one which provided a brief and clearer explanation of the aims and objectives of the Society. Experience at the Fayre trying to explain briefly to visitors to our stall what we are all about led to BH’s proposal. A draft was tabled and the committee felt that this was a project which would benefit the society and asked BH to now develop the project further and for it to be shown at the AGM. A PP version would be made and possibly with a sound track in due course.
ACTION: BH.      ALL to respond to BH and to send information for editing and incorporation

b) Crown Car Park
The surface was becoming worse and DB reported that the requested meeting of all parties had still not happened. ACTION: PW to write to Cllr Pate, Chairman of SC.

c) Station Car Parking
The Land Swap idea seems to have been accepted but no further progress has been made. ACTION: PW to write to Mr Perkins

d) Preparation of Public Meeting and AGM
Possible topics were discussed. ACTION: PW to ask John Parry if he will present the history of Donington House Farm and its owners.
ACTION: RS to prepare an agenda for comments by committee.

e) School Awards Scheme.
The suggested topic for 2015 is “Buildings, Old and New”. ACTION: PW will discuss with the three schools for their comments/suggestions.

f) Flower Show Bulmer Cup Competition
It was agreed that the competition for 2015 will be “Best Front Garden, including window boxes & containers”.
ACTION: JB will organise the competition and for the 2015 Competition will ask residents to register their participation by contacting JB to ensure their entries are viewed.

g) SAMDev
ACTION: PW/RK will send the Society’s comments to SC based on the draft by RK.

Next  meeting:  2p.m. Monday 6th October 2014 at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 3rd November 2014

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 13th October 2014